About this site / blog

A New Beginning.

After three months of blogging, my desire to continue has not diminished but increased, however the driving force and focus have changed.

Writing the blog, has all but eliminated my frustration and feelings of helplessness about the way society is going, and misleading my children and grandchildren.

I fully realize that my blog has almost zero readership, but that is a separate issue to be addressed over the next few weeks. Readership of this blog is like a horse, you can take it to the through, but you cannot make it drink. Writing the blog continues to force me to face issues that are on my mind and hearth with honesty and comprehension. This clears my mind, increases my confidence, and tells me that I’m not indifferent to the battle of values that is going on in the world right now.

In final analysis, the underlaying issue that prompted me to start this blog was the clash of my Christian World view and the ways of the world. Over the past few weeks, it became clear that it is “Christ in me” that provides the motivation to continue with my blog. This realization came with a level of conviction that did not exist when I started the blog.

The benefit I’m receiving from writing this blog does not come without cost, the price is time. Time is a precious commodity at any point in a person’s life, but it really comes in to focus as one gets older. Prioritizing once activities is one way of addressing a situation where there are more activities than there hours in a day. This means that some projects may not make the list and need to get scrapped. Such is the case with this blogs “News Page”. Most of the media is obsessed with bad news, it appears that the worse the news, the more newsworthy it becomes. I don’t want to be part of that trend by distributing more bad news.

In due time the “News Page” will be repurposed for something more positive, encouraging and constructive.

There has been little feedback to my blog, so I will continue to share my thoughts as the spirit leads. There will be an elevated emphasis on overlaying my Christian World View on topics of discussion.

For those that share in the Christian World View, the future looks great, because “He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Rev. 21:5

Horstt – Feb. 11. 2021

Many people will be able to relate to the expression “I felt like screaming”, because they on occasion experienced it, or may even have succumbed to the urge, and shouted out expressions of joy, disbelief or anger.

The experience can be triggered simply by the physical pain when your hammer hits the wrong nail or involve the arousal of complex emotions when reading a “ground-breaking” ruling from a court of law.

Situations of extreme physically or emotionally discomfort or joy, produce an impulse in people, that can, depending on personality, trigger a verbal outburst of varied volume.

Stepping outside to verbally relieve yourself by screaming into the wind is one way to tackle the issue. Apparently doing so for no reasons at all, can be therapeutic.

Another option is to call one’s friends to share the experience. This is likely a more productive way to address an issue. However, depending on the reasons and frequency of the screaming attacks, one may rapidly wear out friendships.

Then there is the option of taking a deep breath, brooming an irritating incident under the proverbial carpet, and act as if nothing happened. Unfortunately, this solution has the tendency to over time accumulate into a more aggressive reaction then a benign verbal outburst.

Following news reports on developments in western society and culture, I am being ever more frequently aroused to screaming, and mostly for unpleasant reasons.  So, what am I to do?

If “shared joy is twice the joy and shared sorrow is half the sorrow”, then sharing your displeasure on a regular basis with those you know, becomes a double-edged sword, that can easily cut off one’s welcome at friends and family.

Taking a deep breath and waiting for screaming attacks to pass is not an acceptable answer. My conscience no longer allows me to be still while the guiding principals of western society are being dismantled, all supposedly in the name of tolerance, fairness, and freedom.

This blog allows me to go beyond just complaining, by sharing my thoughts, as well as articles and news items that may not be getting enough attention. News about the good, the bad and the ugly.

Articulating my thoughts and tossing them into the cyber-wind, relieves my inner tension and satisfies a nagging feeling of obligation to do something. WWW can take my thoughts to the end of the earth, but the target audience are those near and dear to me.

This blog provides for only limited feedback. My hope is that some topics will be cause for reflection and further discussions in wider circles. Not so much on the internet but rather at kitchen tables.


This blog will never be intentionally offensive, however, striving to be factual and truthful, it may inadvertently do so, because truth is often perceived as offensive.

If the truth can no longer be spoken, then we lost the basis of civilization.

See you at my blog. Horstt